About Me

I am a busy College Student at Lawrence Technological University working on my Computer Science Degree. It’s been an uphill battle, but worth it every step of the way. I will be graduating this Fall! I have 12 credits to go and I am starting to look for a job now. *cough* SOE *cough*

My history with Star Wars Galaxies has included many threads to help the player base understand the game better, held the Commando Senate seat for 2 terms, held the Game Play Senate seat for half a term, and selected to be part of the SOE Influencers Program. I have a very strong dedication for the community and will offer as much advice and insight as I possible can. It has been a passion and a dream to be a part of the gaming industry, and this is as close as I can get for now. If you ever need help with something, just send me a PM and I will answer you provided I don’t get some major issue preventing me from doing so

I am happily engaged to my best friend Dana, whom I’ve been with through every step of my life. We are getting married in July and I am very excited for it. We’ve been though everything together and both are more than ready and willing to enter the next chapter in our lives. I’m absolutely pumped about it! I cannot wait to see her walk down the aisle towards me and we share our first kiss together as a married couple. I love her with all my heart.

I will be blogging mostly about gaming and some interesting points I come across, so check back often!

Thanks for visiting!